Roofs for Rwanda

Roofs for Rwanda

Many families in Africa endure terrible illnesses simply because of the roof over their heads. These roofs often allow exposure to the elements all year round — too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter, too wet during the rainy season. Most do not have the money to make these repairs themselves. Through our “Roofs for Rwanda” project, we’re working with the local community and government officials to identify those in the greatest need. We then supply the materials needed while the men of the village do the repairs.  This creates and promotes ownership within the community among the people.


Your gift of $500 can help a family stay dry and healthy by providing a new roof. 
Your gift of $2000 can purchase the land needed for a house.
Your gift of $7000 can provide a new house.
Your gift of $9000 provides land and a new house for someone in great need.


Imagine providing a new roof or even a NEW HOUSE to someone who is currently living under terrible conditions.  You would be impacting the health of an entire family! Also, a few weeks after your project is completed, you’ll receive a photo of those you helped!